
A side profile of a woman in a russet-colored turtleneck and white bag. She looks up with her eyes closed.
Radio Raheem demonstrating love and hate from the Spike Lee Joint Do the Right Thing

“The right hand: the hand of love. The story of life is this: static.”

— Radio Raheem, Do The Right Thing
Do The Right Thing Film Poster

2 SLICES PRODUCTIONS started as an homage to the film Do The Right Thing, but it’s developed into something of a mantra.

Just as their are 2 sides of a coin, a yin and a yang, and good and evil in this world, 2 SLICES has become a philosophical dichotomy in which every celebratory spark of a moment or eye-blink of disaster can framed and captured with 2 quick slices from this life-spanning film strip we’re all caught watching with wonder.


I work as a multimedia producer and educator, specializing in event-videography and photography. I’ve focused my career by exploring media and education, and storytelling is my passion.
I’ve been roughly exploring multimedia for over 20 years, but it feels like I’m just now getting started. If you’ve landed here, I hope you’re interested in working with me and my team and we’d love to hear from you. Please drop us a line!

Wes Bernstein

Owner \ Producer \ Editor

I’m a creator who dabbles in different disciplines, but isn’t all that disciplined in the things that I do.

J.D. Piland

Co-Writer \ Producer \ Designer

Online editor, manager and fundraiser with communications and marketing experience.